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人气:209 ℃ /2023-03-05 21:52:37





1、She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her senses.


2、Anyone in his right senses wouldn't do that.



common sense 常识 ; 有常识的 ; 情理

Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感 ; 理性与感性 ; 理智与感情

make sense 讲得通 ; 有意义 ; 有道理

in a sense 在某种意义上 ; 从某种意义上说 ; 从某种意思上说


sense of是什么意思



1.get sth. done 让事情完成

2.be concerned about 关心/挂念; as far as I am concerned我认为…

3. should have done (过去)该做某事而没做; shouldn’t have done(过去)不该做的做了

4.go through经历/经受/仔细检查; get through接通电话/完成/解决

5.on purpose 故意地

6.hold back 阻挡( hold-held-held); hold on紧紧抓住/坚持/(电话)别挂断; take hold of 抓住

7.calm sb. down使某人冷静下来

8.have troube/difficulty (in) doing sth./ with sth.干某事有困难;

skill/spend/waste time (money) doing sth.消磨/花时间/浪费时间做某事

9 hate/enjoy/ practise doing sth.讨厌(喜欢/练习)做某事

10 fall in love with 爱上…(fall-fell-fallen)

11 find/ think it adj. to do sth.发现/认为干某事是如何的;

find it hard to make friends with others 发现和别人交朋友很难呢

12 get along well with 和某人相处的好

13 suffer from遭受,患病

14 no longer/ not…any longer 不再

15 be tired of= be bored with对…厌倦 ; be tired with因…而疲劳

16 pack up 打包; a pack of cigarettes一包香烟

17 a series of一连串的,一系列

18 add up合计

19 I wondering if it is because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.知道是否因为我不出门太久以至于我对和自然有关的一切变得很疯狂。

20 Why not have a try?为什么不试一下呢?


1 even if / though即使

2 official官方的/官员;officer军官;

3 because of= owing to = as a result of= as a consequence of= due to= on account of 因为/由于

4 come up 走近/提出/上来

5 be based on 以…为基础; on the basis of 以…为基础

6 at present目前/现在;be present at 出席—be absent from缺席

7 make use of = make the most of= make the best of充分利用

8 be fluent in …很流利;be rich /abundant in在..很富有;be poor in在…很贫穷;

9 have a good command of= have a good knowledge of精通/掌握

command that …(should) do (虚拟语气:order, suggest, request, require, demand, insist)

10 play a part/role in扮演角色/起作用

11 recognize …as..承认某人是

12 in a strong native accent有浓重的当地口音(用语言用in Chinese)

13 stand straight站直

14 the former…the latter… 前者…后者

15 the number of...的数量(做主语谓语动词用单数);a number of 许多(做主语谓语用复数)

16 make sense有意义/行得通;make sense of弄懂…的含义

17 Can you hold on for a minute?等一会,不要挂断好吗?

18 Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English信不信由你,没有所谓标准语.

19 The US is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken.美国是一个大国,讲很多不同的方言。

20 Pay attention to the intonation you use while talking.当谈话的时候,注意你使用的语调。


1 prefer …to…宁愿而不愿

2 advantages and disadvantages优势和劣势

3 ever since从那以后(主句用现在完成)

4 be fond of 喜欢

5 be determined to do 下定决心做某事

6 make up one’s mind下决心

7 give in 投降/让步;give up smoking戒烟

8 attitude to/toward…的态度

9 as usual像往常一样

10 care about关心/顾虑/观念;care for 喜欢照顾想要

11 reliable 可依赖的;rely on=depend on=count on依靠/依赖

12 bend-bent-bent弯腰

13 imagine doing 想象做某事

14 persuade sb. to do sth.劝说某人做某事

15 insist on doing sth.坚决要求做某事;insist that…(should) do坚决要求..

16 feel like doing = would like to do 想做某事

17 shine-shone-shone照耀/闪亮

18 keep sb. company陪伴某人;

accompany 陪伴 vt. acknowledge 承认/告知/感谢 vt;accustom 使习惯于 vt.

19 We can hardly wait to see them.我们迫不及待地想见到他们。

20 It was great fun especially as it gradually became much warmer.非常有趣尤其当天气逐渐变得暖和。


1 burst into tears/laughter; burst out crying/laughing放声大哭/放声大笑

2 lie in ruins成废墟(lie-lay-lain躺,谓语)

3 be trapped in= be caught in= be stuck in被困住

4 to one’s shock使某人震惊的是

5 be buried in 埋头做某人是

6 cause damage to对…造成损害

7 express one’s feelings 表达自己的感情

8 All hope was not lost.不是所有的希望都失去了。(both, all, everything和否定词连用表示部分否定)

9 Congratulations on your success!祝你成功

10 dig—dug—dug挖掘

11 put up举起/张贴/搭建/留宿;put up with=stand= tolerate忍受

12 think highly(much) of 高度评价…;think little(badly) of 对…评价差

13 survive – survival存活; arrive—arrival到达; approve—approval 支持(动词-名词转化)

14 judging from his accent从他的口音判断;(这几个表达作状语)

generally speaking 一般说来;to tell the truth= to be frank说实话

15 pay attention to your handwriting注意你的书写

16 raise money= collect money 筹钱

17 disaster-hit areas灾难袭击的地区

18It isonly when we understand what is said to usthatwe can have a conversation with someone.只有当我们明白了别人说了什么,我们才能和别人进行会话。(理解句子成分)

19 the same purpose同一个目的;different purposes 不同的目的(后面跟的词不同)

20 People began to wonder how long the disaster wouldlast.人们开始琢磨这次灾难


1 quality质量/品质;quantity数量

2 be active in 在…活跃

3 be generous about 慷慨大方的

4 devote…to献身于…(devotion )

5 out of work失业;out of control失去控制;out of question没问题;out of trouble 摆脱困境;out of danger摆脱危险;out of fashion 过时的;out of sight看不见

6 vote for/ against投票支持(投票反对)

7 as a matter of fact实际上= in fact= actually

8 in trouble 在麻烦中;in danger在危险中;in hospital住院;in red穿红色衣服;in pencil用铅笔;in peace和平;

9 turn to sb. for help向某人求救;turn up调高,露面;turn down 调低,拒绝;

10 come to power当权

11 be relative to 和…相关

12 reward sb. with sth.用…奖励某人—award sb. with sth.授予某人某物

13 be sentenced to death背叛死刑

14 in my opinion/ view在我看来;

15 in a peaceful way用和平的方式

16 He was generous with his time,for which I was grateful.他很慷慨的花了很多时间,这一点我很感激。

17 He offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems.他就法律问题给穷人帮助。

18Only then didwe decide to answer violence with violence.只有在那时我才决定以暴治暴。

19 Until today we have reacheda stage wherewe have almost no rights at all.直到今天我们达到了我们几乎没有任何权利的阶段。

20 We were put intoa position in whichwe had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government.我们被置于这样一个境地,要么被迫接受低人一等的现实,要么跟政府作斗争。

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